
Education 2017-11-27T13:29:44+00:00

Training and Education:

ESP Consulting is unique in that it makes a clear distinction between Training and Education.

Although the terms are very often used interchangeably We are firmly committed to establishing a distinction between know how and know why. By having us conduct your various programs you may rest assured that our training thoroughly prepared participants in the know how of the various tasks being offered. Whether it be vocational or practical skills and knowledge specific useful competencies we evaluate each individual for training effectiveness.

Education addresses the know why component. Know how is learning to Think Other People’s Thoughts, vs. learning to Think Your Own Thoughts. While Know How and Know Why are essential at one moment or another , they interact all of the time. Thus the center of gravity of education is and must be the Know Why. 1

ESP evaluates each client’s goals and objectives and offers customized programs to train and or educate their personnel. Our team is comprised of both trainers and educators to offer you a comprehensive package.

1. For further clarification see letter to the editor of National forum: The Phi Kappa Phi Journal, Spring 2000, p. 46